If you're reading this, well done for having the desire to become the rider your horse can trust!
Here's a summary of what to expect: Thoughtful, tactful, and simple ways to show your horse how much you care, how much you want to be a kind and supportive dance partner, and most importantly, that you are someone that can be trustworthy, always.
Remember: Horses thrive with clarity and consistency of character. You've got this!
Now please read on...
After interacting with horses for nearly (gulp) thirty-seven years now... (time is so weird)... I've discovered that if you keep these five main concepts at the top of your mind (and heart), your horse will be most impressed with you.
At the very least, they will feel more relaxed in your presence. Who doesn't want to give that to their horse?
Alright alright alright... Here we go!
Five Ways to Impress Your Horse (Pony/Equine/truly any other being that you interact with)
1. Check in with yourself first.
If you're...
Developing Self-Carriage For Your Mind: Half-Halt Yourself to Empowerment
According to the USDF (United States Dressage Federation) Glossary of Judging Terms:
The term SELF-CARRIAGE is defined as:
State in which the horse carries itself in balance without taking support or balancing on the rider’s hand.
When you confirm that your horse is in self-carriage, the feeling is like none other.
Not only is there an incredible trust between the two of you, but this powerful connection that bubbles up from your energized, athletic partner is palpable.
You feel proud that you have cultivated the qualities you’ve been dreaming about: lightness with your aids, a new level of balance, and most appreciated… a gorgeous eagerness from your horse to truly show you what they can offer in your co-creative dance.
What if you could cultivate these same wonderful feelings from your own mind - instead of constantly battling the negative thoughts that attempt to construct unproductive neural...
A quick summary of what you’ll be reading:
Does your horse tend to spook* often? If so… how do you respond?
If pulling back on the reins in any way is your default, read on, dear equestrian… you’ll be challenged to experiment with doing the opposite.
Does your horse toss his or her head or pull down on the reins*? These tips will also help you…
*Of course these are going to be suggestions to help you ride better and in the moment for your horse...
If you take a few moments to read and implement this quick and effective visualization practice, your riding will improve, one stride at a time. Read on to learn how simple it can be to have a beautiful flow to your horse time (and in life)!
Take a long inhale and an even longer exhale. Release any tension that no longer serves you.
Place a hand on your heart. Notice the sensations that are coming up for you.
Do you need some more time to be still and quiet, breathing into your heart?
Go on, I dare you.
Pause, breathe, and smile.
Close your eyes for a moment, open them, and read on.
You’re alive right now. You can feel your heartbeat and listen to your breath.
As you take these PBS moments (Pause, Breathe Smile)... you can actually help shape the trajectory of your life.
How’s that? You’re probably thinking…
When you plant your cute bum in a chair and simply focus...
When you’re warming your horse up for a lesson, there’s a palatable shift that happens when your instructor arrives and begins watching you.
Your senses are heightened, as you want to be sure you’re doing everything she’s taught you thus far.
You admire her. She's an incredible professional. More than likely, she’s probably forgotten more than you know in the few riding years you’ve been blessed to take consistent lessons.
The last thing you want is to disappoint her.
Your lessons have a certain structure that you and your horse can depend on.
There might be a few minutes of no stirrup work, a few minutes of staying in a two-point position, and then you work on some new element that you’re slightly nervous about, but put your complete trust in your instructor.
The nerves usually come up when you see her adjusting the height of the jump two holes up.
You notice you’re holding your breath, as soon as you...
Consider adding some of these ideas to your new year!
1. Take your time. Add an extra thirty minutes to one hour to your horse time. Notice how that feels for you and your horse.
2. Thank your horse more often. Especially for offering a ride.
3. Allow your inner child to come out and play. What would that look like?
4. Check in with how you're feeling, before seeing your horse. A simple body scan and getting grounded can truly shift your entire session.
5. Let your horse know they're on the right track. Praise them often and notice how this clarity offers a more relaxed and connected relationship.
6. Surprise your horse by ending your ride sooner than they expect.
7. Read a book out loud to your horse. Notice how they respond.
8. Slow down your training and be quicker to give rewards.
9. Invite your horse to do things with you, rather than pushing them into it.
10. Breathe into your heart, and then send love and appreciation to your horse.
May the horse be...
Become a Superhero for Your Horse!
You’re on the most beautiful beach you’ve ever seen. You can hear the waves crashing on the sand. The air is fresh and cool. You feel energized by your surroundings.
Now imagine you’re on your horse, riding along with a few of your most favourite horse friends. You decide to race along the sand and feel the greatest rush of excitement, as you gallop ahead.
Your horses are all breathing quickly, in unison to their increasing tempo. You begin to collect bugs in your teeth from your enormous smile. You bring your horses back down to a trot and then walk into the water.
You all have a gorgeous swim, laughing and playing together.
Take a deep breath and feel how much joy and connection you just created from reading this little paragraph. Can you imagine bringing these feelings with you for each of your rides?
This is the beauty of visualisation.
You can take a few moments to let your imagination soar, in order to bring...
~~Installing Bookmarks to Improve Your Riding~~
When I embarked on my very first cross country event, I entered the Green as Grass division.
You know, the one with the smallest jumps possible, as one does when they are just starting out in something new. I rode my sweet Keeper, a twenty-years young caretaker of a thoroughbred, who had already done plenty of Events in his time.
So much so, that when it came to the cross country section, he was moving faster than I wanted to go. He thought we were going for time. I could feel him ‘looking at his hoof’ (wrist watch) and telling me, come on lady, I’ve got you.
We would have won the entire division, if my nerves hadn’t gotten in the way. We were first in Dressage, cleared the Stadium, and I just felt like I needed a circle in front of one of the fences out in the field, to slow my excited boy down. Which of course counted as a refusal.
So I came home with a green ribbon, instead of the blue. But in my mind,...
Take the word CAP and think of these three words:
C for Curiosity
A for Appreciation
P for Playfulness
When you think about being curious, it puts you in a more powerful state of mind. You start looking for solutions and seek out assistance. Instead of feeling helpless, you can start to get curious on how to make things better.
Let’s say you feel like your balance is way off lately. Instead of just saying, “Oh, I feel like I’m just flopping around and not feeling strong enough in the saddle…” Decide to say, “I’m curious about how I can improve my balance.”
Then you can start seeking out solutions. You might decide to cross train with yoga, pilates, or even sit on a balance ball in your...
50% Complete
Create a powerful bond with your horse in these five simple, yet profound lessons. Your horse will thank you.